Mojim Lyrics
Mojim Lyrics > Asian group singers > 麥克瘋( MICappella ) > Happy Birthday

麥克瘋( MICappella )

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Album Intro
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【 Happy Birthday 】【 國語 】【 2022-04-01 】

Album songs:
1.Happy Birthday

Album Intro:

“Happy Birthday”- a simple two-word delivered once a year to that special someone, is a nod to show that someone is in your thoughts. 《Happy Birthday》is a song about distance. The yearning of a physical hug that we once took for granted. Knowing how being physically there for our loved ones now seem like a far yesterday, our wishes and thoughts are encompassed into these two simple words. And someday, when the next birthday is here, let us finally give each other the tightest hug we have missed all these years.

“Happy Birthday” 簡單的兩個字,每⼀年⼀次。這只送予對⽅的專屬祝福,是思念的代名詞。 《 Happy Birthday》是⼀⾸關於距離的曲⽬。當⼀個簡單的擁抱變成⼀種朝思暮想,包裹在 'Happy Birthday'兩個字⾏間,我們才瞭解每⼀刻實在的⾯對⾯既是如此珍貴。以這樣的⼀份感恩 與珍惜;某天,或許,在下個⽣⽇來臨時,我們就能緊緊地擁抱在⼀起。